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Little Tot Sports
All Little Tots programs are designed to help kids enjoy playing sports and to help develop motor skills and coordination.
· Focuses on teaching the core fundamentals of balance and coordination while developing gross motor skills
· Fun games and activities are used to reinforce individual development
· Group games are used to teach sportsmanship and cooperation
· Basic instruction of sport skills
All Tot programs consist of six - 30 minute sessions of instruction. All Tot programs take place at your learning center. All tot programs have small student teacher ratio.

Little Tots Soccer
Teaches soccer skills consisting of controlling a soccer ball with the feet, dribbling, passing, and trapping the soccer ball, and shooting the soccer ball into the goal.

Little Tots Toss n Catch
Teaches basic skills of throwing and catching with the hands. We use bean bags, footballs, and frisbees to help develop hand eye coordination and eliminate fear of catching balls.

Little Tots Basketball
Teaches basic basketball skills of controlling a basketball with the hands, dribbling, and passing the basketball, and shooting the basketball into the basketball hoop.

Little Tots Baseball
Teaches basic baseball skills. Hitting balls off a tee and soft toss, fielding ground balls, catching fly balls, and throwing accuracy.

Little Tots Cheer
Teaches basic cheer skills. Hand and arm movements as well as coordination and some tumbling skills. Simple chants and cheers are coordinated with the body movements.

Little Tots Kids Bop
High energy dance program that encourages creative movement and promotes fitness. Fun, exciting Kids Bop music creates an environment of free style expression of creative individual movement and fun coordinated group movements.